Lawyership RULES!

if you understand the Law (and we do)
if you love it (and we do)
if you like to learn (and we do)
if you try hard enough (and we do)
if you love working with people (and we do)

Maja K. Potočnik in Maja Prebil na kolesu_EN


WITHOUT EXAGGERATION, because no one can master everything. It’s important to be the best at what you do.


  • public procurement contracts
  • tender documentation
  • reviews of the client’s documentation and opinion
  • preparation of tenders
  • insights
  • audit requests
  • administrative disputes
  • legal opinions
  • violations
  • public procurement tailored to your needs


  • Detailed analysis of public procurement procedures to ensure compliance with applicable legislation and prevent unlawful exclusions.
  • Preparation of tender documents and contracts to minimize risks of legal errors and subsequent compensation claims.
  • Representation of contracting authorities in legal disputes.
  • Development of risk management strategies and implementation of preventive measures to protect against compensation claims.
  • Providing education and training on best practices for public procurement.


  • In-depth case analysis to determine instances of unlawfulness in public procurement award procedures.

  • Preparation and submission of compensation claims.

  • Representation in legal proceedings.

  • ollaboration with experts for precise calculation of lost profits and preparation of expert opinions.

  • Providing comprehensive advice and support throughout the entire legal process, including alternative dispute resolution options.


  • preparation of special conditions
  • interpretation of articles
  • legal opinions
  • participation in the Dispute Settlement Commission
  • FIDIC tailored to your needs


  • design contracts
  • construction contracts
  • contracts on supervision
  • construction disputes
  • construction errors
  • design errors
  • accidents at work
  • legal opinions


  • preparation of contracts
  • review of your contract
  • commercial litigations
  • legal opinions


  • review of documentation and opinion
  • appeals
  • administrative disputes
  • requests for judicial protection


The essence of any law firm is a good team.

A team made up not only of good lawyers, but above all of people who get along well with each other and complement each other accordingly. We, with a lot of luck, have managed to put together such a team.

Ekipa Odvetniška družba Potočnik in Prebil

We two are just the front line:

Maja Koršič Potočnik

Attorney at law, certified specialist, partner

My astrological chart reveals that I am an extremely practical person. I can quickly find a solution in a situation that needs to be solved. This characteristic is extremely useful for a lawyer, as clients can expect answers from me, and not new doubts.

Maja Prebil

Attorney at law, partner

I inspire confidence in the people I work with. I want them to know how much they really can do and know. I am not a person who would give a false impression of omniscience, but a great support in finding the optimal solution together with the client. I may not be a typical lawyer, but I am a person you want to have on your side.

The true heroes who have made the office so successful are our co-workers:

Marko Majstorović

Marko Majstorović

Attorney at law

I can listen and figure out the core of the problem, so I can find the optimal solution. I offer an approach with reason and logic. I defend the authority of the argument. I can anticipate future obstacles and possible scenarios on the way to the final destination.

Matic Kuhar

Matic Kuhar

Attorney at law

I often wonder what a description of a good lawyer is. It motivates me to fit in this description. Is it professionalism, dedication, efficiency? In my work I strive for all these values, as well as flexibility especially, which allows me to find a solution in every situation and for every problem, and to enjoy my profession endlessly.

Maša Arko

Maša Arko

Attorney at law

I really believe in sincerity. Sincerity means for me that I can speak out when I want to be heard and that I can withdraw when I want to think about what I am going to say. It means a lot to me that my personal space is respected, which makes me susceptible to the feelings and distress of others. I genuinely stand up for what I believe in, which is always reflected in my work.

Janja Pincolič

Janja Pincolič

Consultant For Public Procurements

From an early age, I was determined that my career would be related to law. Cracking legal nuts and bolts and finding the right answers has always been a challenge for me, so I like to tackle them and look for the best solution for all parties. They say that I solve the questions I come across in my work analytically and systematically, and at the same time I also use just the right amount of practicality when looking for solutions.

Špela Rues

Špela Rues

Head of administration

Every day, regardless of the weather conditions, I always choose cycling as my way of getting to work. It doesn’t matter if it’s pouring or the wind is blowing, nothing stops me. In fact, I can say that working in the administration of a law firm is similar to my cycling around the city in the rain – full of unpredictable challenges that I take on with enthusiasm and a grain of humour. Every day brings new tasks and demands a flexible mindset.


You can find the current lectures at this link.